Funeral Planning Worksheet

This planning worksheet can be used by a family in the midst of funeral planning; or by individuals anticipating an impending death; or to indicate your wishes for you own funeral. This worksheet may be revised at any time.

Only answer what you want below; unanswered will be left off final document.

Last updated: {{last_update}}

Redo your Funeral wishes in your Will

From your Will


Revisit your Will

Redo your Funeral wishes in your Will

Information Already Entered in Your Will

Answer important funeral planning questions in your Will.

Complete your Will

Donate your organs at death

Organ Donation

Upon my death, I want to donate some/or all my organs.

Favorite Flowers

Choose your favorite flowers.

Charitable Donations

In lieu of flowers, donate to these charites.

People to Notify

Create a list of people to contact at the time of my death.

Existing Pre-paid Funeral Details

Details for already paid for funeral/memorial arrangements.

Funeral Details

Details for your funeral service.

Memorial Details

Details for your memorial service.


Please ask the following people to serve as my pallbearers.

Burial Wardrobe and Jewelry

Attire for burial/cremation.

Preferred Officiants

Clergy or person(s) you wish to officiate your ceremony.

Preferred Speakers

I would like the following people to speak.

Favorite Music / Hymns

Music selections for my services.

Readings / Prayers

Please read the following at my services.

Wake / Vigil Details

I also direct the following with regard to my final arrangements.

Burial Location

Designate desired location details for your burial (Grave site etc.)

Additional Instructions

Additional comments and/or instructions with regard to my final arrangements.

My Body Presentation

Details on what should happen with your body.

Obituary Draft

Document your life story.

My Casket Specifics

Details for your casket.